Displaying the Obvious

Every now and then you have to take a break from the tiny house build to work on another project of real significance.  Like a flag stand for your flag that’s taking a stand.  Though, I can’t believe the statements on this flag are a stand.  Can’t believe these things don’t just go without saying Continue reading

Live the Hygge

In preparation for living in the Hygge Hale, I thought I should know a bit more about this “hygge” concept.  So, I’ve been reading up.  Quite a hyggelig experience itself, this reading of hygge.  Especially when I get a fire going in our fireplace as the perfect hygge reading backdrop.  Letting the book drop to my knees for a moment of contemplation, I watch the flickering flames and think wonderingly about there being an entire country, an entire region really, of people who value what I’m feeling right now as much as I do. Continue reading

Let the Beer Be Dark and Rich

Although not my favorite season, there are a number of things I really love about autumn.  (And, oh, do I appreciate autumn and winter so much more now that I am again living in middle latitudes after a few years living in Hawai`i where a cool or cold season is but a temperate dream – I never realized how much I appreciated the drastic cyclical season changes until living in the tropics where, although there were seasonal variations, they were a bit more muted than temperate climates.)

But, one of the things I glory in when the Fall season envelopes us again is the movement into the seasons of darker more flavored beers. Continue reading

Clean the life out of it

Clean and tidy surroundings are instrumental in the pleasant and peaceful existence I crave.  There’s nothing like the feeling of ease and serenity I experience when I sit down in a freshly groomed home.

However — I have to be careful not to clean existence away.  Put   that   dusting   cloth   downContinue reading

Single use my a**

Cause everything deserves a second chance at life, clean those baggies!  And, those produce bags!

We’re actually trying to move to cloth zippered bags and produce bags, but plastic bags continue to find their ways to us (are they like cats and can sense when someone doesn’t like them??), Continue reading

Cheers to you!

With mine rapidly approaching, a word about birthdays:

What better way to honor a person than to celebrate his or her birth and all the successful years that have ensued in his or her life since.  A celebration of that individual’s existence in the world.  A holiday special for each individual, recognizing their individuality and significance.  So, I try not to miss other people’s birthdays, and I try to do something special for my own. Continue reading

Sheets to Soil

Although the clothesline is where it’s at, the dryer can come in handy at times, particularly during the cold or rainy weather. For those times, I’ve never been a big dryer sheet user (just seemed like one more thing to buy and use without much return)… that is, until I moved to a dry, dry, DRY climate. Enough static shocks, too many pairs of underwear stuck to our shirts, and skirts loving up on my legs WAY too much, and I was persuaded.   Continue reading

If You Build It, Beautify It

I do not understand, for the life of me, why we don’t make all of our human creations beautiful.  Why do we hold such little value to beauty in what we build and develop?  Wouldn’t we all prefer to live in a beautiful space as opposed to an ugly one?  So, if you gotta build something, make sure it’s aesthetic – yes, even if this costs more.  Continue reading

Concepts of Other Cultures

I am so thankful for the diversity in the world, and this is particularly true when I learn of concepts in other cultures, cultural groundings, that do not exist in my own.  What people discover all over this world as each of us and our communities learn to move through life with grace.  What a waste to ignore the realizations of those around us.

A few I’ve found a great appreciation for: Continue reading


When we moved from Hawai`i to California, the only furniture that moved with us were two small wooden bookshelves that my husband had made while we lived in Hawai`i.  So, upon our arrival in California, the house we rented needed to be fully furnished.  I have no interest in using or consuming more resources than is necessary in my life, and so much furniture has already been made!  Material goods are so prevalent in the United States.  So, I took to Continue reading

Sun Tea!

Wait, seriously all I have to do is put a tea bag in some water in a closed jar and put it in the sun, and when I remember that guy in a few hours he’s made tea?? I love it. Totally love it.  I love anything that requires no electricity, gas, oil, etc. to make! Continue reading