Hide in shame, dryer!

With six plus months of sun and sun and sun and sun, I have no excuse not to line-dry our laundry.  And, I feel good about every load that (just like that sun tea) is using natural-occurring, free, non-polluting, passive heat from the sun to dry our clothes instead of using polluting, costly, damaging fossil fuels mined from the ground.  Hide in shame, dryer!  I also find it meditative to hang laundry – feeling the sun’s heat sink into my skin, and feeling the fresh-scented breeze that will be shortly whipping the moisture from our linens. It’s an excuse to be outside and a quiet time when my mind can wander as it will.

But, even back in the days of living in Hawai`i, on the rainy, soggy, always-damp-even-when-the-sun-is-shining side of the island, we often line-dried our clothes.  Actually, any time we didn’t go to the laundromat, the line it was for the cleaned clothes, as although our apartment came with a washing machine, there was no dryer (electricity in Hawai`i is Expensive, and note that capital ‘E’).  Any morning that dawned clear and rain-free, it was a race to do the laundry before the clouds rolled over the sky!  And, for those times when the rain won the race: