If ever an ideal life existed, it would include hammock lounging. And, lots of it. In and of itself, it’s amazing – just sitting in the hammock, watching and feeling the world. Birds calling, leaves dancing in the breeze, pulling the scents of that breeze in through your nose, insects singing, dappled sun flitting over your skin, squirrels (squirrels!!) chattering and nibbling – hammock lounging is often the highlight of my day. But, also, pretty much everything is better when done from a hammock. Reading, napping, bird-watching, thinking, beer drinkin’, music immersing, music playing (well, depending on your instrument), rum drink drinking, writing ( yup, I write this from my hammock), … I’m sure you can think of a few other things.
[Thanks to one of our roommates from grad school who brought the red colorful hammock back from her native Puerto Rico to share with us – somehow my husband and I were the ones to score it when we all finished grad school and went our separate ways – thanks, Julissa! I love it, and love it some more!!]