New parking spot

After our journey to the scales to get a mid-build weight on our tiny house, we decided to park Hygge Hale in a new spot in the yard.  As mentioned in my last post, Hygge Hale had already had a close brush with a large branch shed from our neighbor’s big eucalyptus trees.  No damage to the not-yet finished house, please!

Having moved the house, we had to re-stabilize it with jacks and make sure it was all level again.  When we had rolled it into it’s new parking spot, we decided to run the wheels up on plywood and cement pavers so it would sink less into the soft ground during the rainy months.  We also had to reset our entry stairs and trim some branches off a few trees so they wouldn’t rub on the house in the wind.

The new spot Hygge Hale is parked in is quite lovely.  Some great shade from a nearby much-more-stable-than-eucalpytus mulberry tree, and some nice shrubs and landscaping.  We can also now see it out our front window of the house we’re currently living in.  What a lovely addition to our yard space!

After getting everything set up again and squared away, we had to kick back and revel in this milestone for just a bit more before continuing on with the build.  So, we pulled out our Sky Chairs and hung them from the mulberry tree and toasted our accomplishment with some brews!

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